Tuesday 25 April 2017

The Great Fire Of London

In class this week we have been writing explanation texts about 'The Great Fire of London'.  Can you write your own explanation text about what happened in the fire?

Try to include:

Exciting adjectives
Exclamation sentences
Question sentences
Commas in a list
Words with suffixes- awful, dreadful, amazement, hopeless, fearless, sadness

Friday 31 March 2017

Easter holidays

I hope you are having a great holiday.  I would love to hear about what you are up to.  Please write a report about what you have been up to.

Try to include-
1. Detailed descriptive sentences with adjectives and adverbs. (It was a cold, misty dark morning.)         You could also add a simile.
2.  Exclamation sentences- (What a wonderful day it was!)
3. Questions and speech- ("Do you want a turn?" Asked the man.)
4.Words with suffixes- (wonderful, hopeless)
5. Correct tense  (walked, clapped)
6. Headings and subheadings
7. Commas in a list
8. Capital letters and full stops

Here is an example:

                                                       My Wonderful Holiday

Visiting Family
Late Monday evening  I travelled to Bristol, to see my family.  Early Tuesday morning, I woke up to see my cheeky little nephew Monty.  He has just started to crawl and his favourite thing to do is play hide and seek.  He sneakily peaked out from behind the large sofa like a little meerkat peaking out of the sand. I chased him and he collapsed in a helpless fit of giggles.  What a funny boy he is!  What will he be doing next time I visit?

Trip to the cinema
On Thursday evening I went to the cinema with my friend Erin. She is a dance teacher and loves anything to do dancing and singing.  We decided to see Beauty and the Beast.  I was very excited as it is one of my favourite stories. "Shall we get some snacks?" I asked her.  We decided to share a crunchy popcorn,delicious sweets, ice-cream and a large fizzy drink.  How fantastic this will be! I thought to myself and I was not dissapointed.

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Quentin Blake

This week is Art week and we are learning about the illustrator Quentin Blake.  This is one of Quentin Blake's illustrations.

What do you think about the picture?
How does it make you feel?  Why?
Why do you think Quentin chose to make the birds colourful and the children grey?
What do you think is happening in the picture?

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Character description

"Miss Trunchbull, the Headmistress, was something else altogether. She was a gigantic holy terror, a fierce tyrannical monster, who frightened the life out of pupils and teachers alike. There was an aura of menace about her even at a distance, and when she came up close you could almost feel the dangerous heat radiating from her as from a red hot rod of metal. When she marched – Miss Trunchbull never walked, she always marched like a storm trooper, with long strides and arms swinging when she marched along a corridor you could actually hear her snorting as she went, and if a group of children happened to be in her path, she ploughed right on through them like a tank, with small people bouncing off her to left and right. She was above all a most formidable female. She had once been a famous athlete, and even now the muscles were still clearly in evidence. You could see them in the bull neck, in the big shoulders, in the thick arms, in the sinewy wrists and in the powerful legs. Looking at her, you got the feeling that this was someone who could bend iron bars and tear telephone directories in half. Her face, I’m afraid, was neither a thing of beauty nor a joy for ever. She had an obstinate chin, a cruel mouth and small arrogant eyes. And as for her clothes…they were, to say the least, extremely odd. She always had on a brown cotton smock which was pinched in around the waist with a wide leather belt. This belt was fastened in front with an enormous silver buckle. The massive thighs which emerged from out of the smock were encased in a pair of extraordinary breeches, bottle green in colour and made of coarse twill. These breeches reached to just below the knees and from there on down she sported green stockings with turn up tops, which displayed her calf muscles to perfection. On her feet she wore flat heeled brown brogues with leather flaps. She looked, in short, more like a rather eccentric and bloodthirsty follower of the staghounds than the headmistress of a nice school for children."

From the illustration and the text what do we know about Miss Trunchable? 
What phrases in the text tell us about her character?
What did she look like?
How did she move?
What was her personality like?
What did she do?

Tuesday 31 January 2017

Character description

This is Steve.  Write a detailed character description of Steve.  Where does he live? What does he like to do?  What are his interests? Write you description in a full paragraph using expanded noun phrases.

Tuesday 17 January 2017


This week we have started our science topic on materials and their properties.  Have a look around your house.  What materials can you spot?  Why are they used?   Try to use the key vocabulary we learned in class:


For example the walls are made out of brick because it is strong, so it does not fall down in the wind.  Brick is also opaque which is great because it means you have privacy to change and shower.  In addition, brick is waterproof, so when it rains the water does not come in and make us wet.

Tuesday 3 January 2017

3D Shapes

In maths this week we have been learning about 3D shapes.  What 3D shapes can you find around your home?  For example you may find a cuboid tissue box or a crisp tube which is  a cylinder shape.