Tuesday 24 January 2017



  1. 1. Mr Twit had sixty balloons.
    2. Mr Twit tied the balloons all over his wife's body.
    3. Mrs Twit felt ''like a prisoner'' because she couldn't do what she wanted.
    4. To cut the strings and let Mrs Twit fly away.
    5.Because she was in pain.Katie(Great Fire)

    1. Katie check the text. How many balloons does it say Mr Twit had ?

  2. The Twits

    1)Mr Twit had one hundred balloons.
    2)Mr Twit tied the balloons to her neck,under her arms, her wrist and her hair.
    3)Roald Dahl wrote Mrs Twit was like a prisoner because she was unable to move.
    4)Mr Twits second nasty idea could be to cut the strings from Mrs Twit's ankle.
    5)The author used the word gasped because there was balloons tied to her neck so she couldn't breathe.

  3. 1) Mr Twit had one hundred balloons.

    2) Mr Twit tied the ends of the strings around her neck, under her arms, to her wrists and some to her hair.

    3) Mrs Twit felt as if she was a prisoner because her feet were tied to the ground and her arms were pulled upwards by the balloons. Mrs Twit was helpless.

    4) Mr Twit's second nasty idea could be to cut the strings which were tied around her feet and let her drift away in the sky.

    5) Mrs Twit gasped because if the strings around her ankles are not tied properly, she may drift away in the sky.

    - Anum

  4. 1. Mr Twit had one hundred balloons
    2. Mrs Twit had balloons around her neck, arm , wrist and hair
    3. Roald Dahl thought Mrs Twit was bad because she plays tricks.
    4.I thought it was placing worm on the bed
    5. The author didn't use the word "said" very ofter because it is boring

  5. 1. Mr Twit had one hundred balloons.
    2. Mr Twit tied the ends of the string to the top half of Mrs Twit’s body. He tied them around her neck, under her arms, around her wrists and hair.
    3. Roald Dahl called Mrs Twit a prisoner because her feet were tied to the ground and her arms were pulled upwards. This made her unable to move.
    4. Mr Twit’s second nasty idea would be to cut the strings from her ankles and let her fly into the sky.
    5. The author uses the word gasped because Mrs twit was scared of flying off into the sky.

  6. 1. Mr Twit had one hundred balloons.
    2.Mr Twit tied the ends of the balloons to the top half.
    3.She couldn't move.
    4.To cut the rope holding Mrs Twit.
    5.Said is boring.
