Wednesday 30 November 2016

All about Kenya

Over the next few weeks in in literacy we will be writing leaflets all about Kenya.  We have done lots of research in class.  Can you find out some more information for your homework.  Organise what you find out under subheadings. You may choose to write about the food, Masai, Nairobi, animals or any other interesting facts. 


  1. The capital city of Kenya is Nairobi .

    Red means hunting In Kenya.

    Green meas land and grass.

    Blue means water

    Languages:swahii and English.

    Porducts:coffee,tea,corn,plastic and textiles .

    The money they use is shilling.

    The most popular sport in Kenya is the soccer.

    Kenya gained independence from united kingdom in 1963.

    Kenyan poeple eat cow meat and corn.

    Animals:African Elephant,Black Rhinocerous,White Rhinocerous,Rock hyrax,hippopotamus, Cape Buffalo Maisia giraffe,Reticulated Girrafe,Rothschild's Girrafe and a common Zebra.

  2. Kenya is independent country since 1963.The capital is Nairobi and population is 45 million people.Katie(Great Fire)

    1. kaamila great Fire8 February 2017 at 10:53

      Kenya is a country in east Africa with a coastline on the Indian ocean it encompasses savannah Lakelands

  3. Kenya
    Kenya is in east of Africa, Kenya is named after the tallest mountain in the country, Mount Kenya (which is 5,199 metres tall). Kenya shares lake Victoria, the second largest fresh lake in the world, with Tanzania and Uganda.
    Masai people
    Masai people live on plain grasslands in Kenya. Masai people make mud huts out of: dung, sticks, mud, and grass. Masai men do the Jumping Dance to show off to Masai women. Masai people like dancing and they wear their best clothes.

    In Kenya, the animals that you will find are: elephant, leopards, zebra, rhinoceros, lions
    And buffalos. The big 5 is 5 animals that everyone in Kenya wants to see, the animals
    That are the big 5 are: rhinoceros, elephants, buffalo, leopard and lion.
    In Kenya, there are 3 popular foods which are: Ugali, Sukuma wiki and nyama Choma
    which is cooked on open fire.
