Tuesday 18 October 2016


In our science lessons we have been looking at micro-habitats around the school.  Can you spot any creatures in your garden, street or local park?  What did you spot? Why do you think it chose to live in that micro-habitat? 


  1. In my garden I see birds because it try to make a nest on top of trees. In my garden we also have a bird's house it try's to drink water and eat the food that we keep every day. I see a lot's of bird's like robin's , blue bird's. I like looking at it in the morning a lot. it also makes me happy.

  2. That sounds lovely Aahil. Can you identify any of the birds ?

  3. In my garden I saw woodlice under the log. I think they were under the log because they were scared of the birds. They also like to eat wood and leaves.
    By Tasnim Ferdausi Uddin, class Great Fire

  4. That's great Tasnim! Great investigation skills. What do you think would happen if we put the woodlice in a tree?

  5. I saw some of spiders under a log and it was
    scary and it makes me shout.

  6. In my garden I see spider webs in the bush. The spider I can identify is the zebra spider.
    Also, I see earwigs and woodlice in an empty bin, under a rock and under the flower pots.
    I have spotted ants crawling on the tiles and the wall.

  7. We often have Robins visiting our garden. They find lots of insects on our plants to eat. Also we have collared Doves visiting our garden, they like to eat the berries from one of our bushes.
    Molly. Great Fire class

  8. I saw magpie in my street eating seeds and insects. I think they live in the micro-habitat because there are many bees and ladybugs in the bushes and trees.

  9. Good work everyone! Keep spotting during half term. See if you can spot some more unusual creatures. Can you find a millipede, centipede, chaffinch or a stag beetle?

  10. In my garden I saw foxes, worms and birds. The foxes live in the allotments at the back of the garden because they want to hide. The worms live in the soil because they want to find food deep underground. The birds build their nests up high so no-one can get their eggs.

  11. I have been observing ants in my garden,they made lots of nests under the trees and bushes,because they have enough leaves and other food to eat.

  12. Jahnavi (Deadly Pleague)29 October 2016 at 11:57

    I saw a magpie,a ladybird and some bees!I think that these creatures live in a micro-habitat because it is damp,cold.The magpie's habitat is dark in colour, magpies live in their nests high above the ground.

  13. I spotted a millipede in our garden under the rubbish bag. As soon as my mom moved the bag I saw it stuck on it. It was a wet day! Rihanna from Deadly Plague

  14. I saw a Squirrel carrying a nut in my garden. I think it came because there are nut's and plant's, insect's and fruit's on the tree's. I think Squirrel's eat almost any thing.

  15. I saw a centipede under the flower pot in my garden and it had so
    many legs. I also saw a chaffinch in our local park in a nest on a tree and later on it flew down and I think it was eating insects from the grass.

    - Anum

  16. Magpies in my garden is so noisy. Every morning they have got a row on the tree. Once one yang bird felt down from the nest. I tried to catch up it , but bird jumped and run from me. The bird had tried to fly, after two hours it did it. I was happy for her. Artem.

  17. Hi,
    I'm Mariya I miss you all a lot .

    1. We miss you too Mariya. Hope you are enjoying your new school.

  18. In my garden I saw colourful ladybirds. There were 20 of them crawling on our window. I also saw a slimy brown slug slithering on the ground. One morning I saw a magpie out of my window and it was looking for food. I also see some foxes come in the night to get some food. We also have squirrels coming in the morning to get food.


  19. Kaamila (Great Fire)1 November 2016 at 13:13

    I saw woodpiegons,wasps and ants. There were also millipedes under the grass. I also saw ladybirds outside especially during the autumn season. In the winter I spot Robbins near my house.

  20. Tigers are located in the rain forest so they are not hunted by lions
    Tigers need meat to survive and water they eat zebras to
    more Tigers need space beacause some Tigers gets pushed into a village

    By Roberto

  21. When I was in my aunties garden I saw a squirrel going down from a tree then it climb back up because he was scared when he saw me.After that I went in and I watched the squirrel to watch him what he was going to do.After a while when I started to get bored and he showed up with 1 other squirrel coming down and looking around and they were running around the ground I think they enjoyed playing in the garden.
